We use cookies to provide an effective service and evaluate it's performance in order to improve your user experience. By clicking "Accept", you agree to the use of all cookies.
Cookies Policy
Este sitio utiliza Google Analytics, un servicio de análisis de tráfico del sitio web proporcionado por Google. Google Analytics utiliza cookies, que son archivos de texto alojados en su computadora, para ayudar al sitio web a analizar cómo los usuarios usan el sitio. Los datos generados por las cookies sobre su uso del sitio (incluida su dirección IP) son transmitidos y almacenados por Google en servidores ubicados en los Estados Unidos. Google utiliza esta información para evaluar el uso del sitio por parte de sus visitantes, para compilar informes sobre la actividad del sitio para su editor y para proporcionar otros servicios relacionados con la actividad del sitio y el uso de Internet. Google puede comunicar estos datos a terceros en caso de una obligación legal o cuando estos terceros procesen estos datos en nombre de Google, incluido en particular el editor de este sitio. Google se compromete a no combinar nunca su dirección IP con ningún otro dato del que disponga Google.
Puede desactivar el uso de cookies seleccionando la configuración adecuada en su navegador. Sin embargo, dicha desactivación podría impedir el uso de determinadas funciones de este sitio. Al utilizar este sitio web, acepta que Google procese sus datos de la manera y para los fines descritos anteriormente.
Se informa al usuario que durante sus visitas al sitio www.locationsaisonniere.adopteuntoit.com, una o más cookies pueden ser instaladas automáticamente en su computadora. Una cookie es un pequeño archivo que no permite identificar al usuario, pero que registra información relacionada con la navegación de una computadora en un sitio. Los datos así obtenidos están destinados a facilitar la navegación posterior en el sitio, y también están destinados a permitir diversas medidas de asistencia.
More than 30 days before arrival date = 10% of the booking price.
29 – 7 days before arrival date = 50% of the booking price.
Less than 7 days before arrival = 100% of the booking price.
There will be no refunds if the client voluntarily decides to stop using the services included in the holiday before the end of his/her stay.
In case the accommodation could not be occupied because of unforeseen reasons, not attributable to the company, the company has the right to substitute the original accommodation by other with the same or superior characteristics, without any additional payment.
DATA PROTECTION (Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December )
In compliance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, on Protection of Personal Data ("LOPD"), we inform that, through the completion of forms, your personal details will be incorporated and held in the company files, with the purpose of being able to offer and provide you with our services. In addition, we inform you of the possibility to exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition with regard to your personal data, the company being responsible for the file.
This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how Personally Identifiable Information is being used online. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
What personal information do we collect from the people that visit our website? When booking or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number or other details to help process your reservation.
When do we collect information? We collect information from you when you make a reservation, send us a request, subscribe to a newsletter or enter information on our site.
How do we use your information? We may use the information we collect from you when you make a reservation, send us a request, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways: • To improve our website in order to better serve you. • To quickly process your transactions. We collect your email address in order to: • Send information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions. • Process reservations and to send information and updates pertaining to orders • We may also send you additional information related to your product and/or service.
How do we protect visitor information? Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential.
All credit card transactions are processed through a secure gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers.
Third Party Disclosure We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information unless we provide you with advance notice. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others' rights, property, or safety.
Third party links At this time, we do not include or offer third party products or services on our website.
Questions If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the contact information in the footer of the site, or via the the form on the Contacts page.